
Jun 1, 2022

Align the Spine | Technique & Adjustments at Miami Yoga Garage

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

Featured in the Crown Issue of Liveology Yoga Magazine.

Joseph Armstrong guides a student into alignment in Utthita Parsvakonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Standing postures like Utthita

Parsvakonasana can help to align the pelvis and ground the legs, creating a solid foundation for the spine.

Take a wide stance with the heels on the same line. Bend one knee to a right angle, keeping the other straight. Extend your hand to the floor on the outside of the bent leg. You can also place the hand on the inside of the leg or on a block. Open the chest and hips. Gaze toward the outstretched hand.

Esmeralda Lamas deepen’s Adriana’s twist in Marichyasana C



Twists like Marichyasana C, right, and Pasasana, below, can help to lengthen the spine, release the hips, and create the space for the spine to align itself.

Binding the hands can help to open the shoulders and the upper chest encouraging the breath to flow into all sides of the ribcage. If it’s difficult to catch the hands at first, use a

towel to extend your reach.


Twisting also helps to stimulate the digestive system and the inner fire.


Inhale lengthen. Exhale twist.

Pragathi catches her bind in Pasasana.

Kino MacGregor asks Natalie to press into her hands in Dhanurasana



Open the spine with a backbend, holding the outsides of the ankles. With the feet together, press the hips down and kick the legs, lifting the thighs and chest off the floor.


Resist your legs against a friend’s hands or against a wall. Your friend can press their hands on your shins or on the thighs. You can also place a pillow on the wall and use that to create resistance.

Kino asks Christina to reach the hips forward in Ustrasana


Backbending is also an experience of front opening - opening the heart center, and opening the front of the hips.

With the knees hip distance apart, place the palms flat on the feet. Lift the chest and reach the hips forward.

Maintain a long, continuous breath as you hold these poses for 5 or more breaths.

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Peace & Pineapples!