Ani Igwe

Mar 30, 2021

Hoteplanta, The Hurt Hotep & Fear of the Wise Woman | Ani Igwe

Updated: May 9, 2022


I'm gonna be talking today about the facets, oh my gosh, it's so hard being a Gemini moon & rising. Okay. I would say the epidemic of the hotep nigga. But it goes deeper than that, I think is more so this divide is not even the correct word, this dynamic between black men and black women. So I'm going to get to that a little bit later in the video. But I'm going to start out with the, the epidemic of the hotep nigga.

So you guys see me half naked on my page a lot. As a six times survivor of sexual assault, it's really imperative that I'm able to experience not just my body, but pleasure in ways that have been denied to me before, in my experience, and I share this so that other women can feel excuse me, other people. Because I get with a lot of teams from men to expressing their happiness that at seeing someone be free, and therefore providing them space, and a platform to also be their authentic selves.


So thinking of these in mind, and I'm not going to even show this person as a male, if you want to know what if you could check my stories, because I do believe in exposing people. But I don't want to give him free publicity on my actual page.

But anyway, I posted a video of myself, in my angelic place, and divine light, and in my divine purpose, you know, just existing. And this man, DM me and said, do a little more planking was basically telling me I needed to lose weight, or to tone up. And, you know, I think a lot of people hear my voice, they watch my videos a lot, including this person. And I'll get to that later. And they perceive my angelic energy, they perceive my gentleness and my nurturing. And because of their own trauma, and their own experiences, they equate that softness with weakness. And I'm really, really, really, really, really not going to entertain that anymore. You know, when people throw pepper, you're gonna get pepper back, period. But the larger issue, right, other than this person trying attempting to break my piece, is what this clearly means. Right? If we're thinking of this as having a family member or friend, concerned, just in general, this is somebody on the internet, who has the audacity to look at my divine vessel that are cared for well, that I love on well. He had the audacity to open his whole mouth and say, You need to work on yourself. From where I'm looking, you need to do more. Let's not even address what this person actually looks like. The bigger issue in this is the motivation behind why somebody I don't know would want to send that type of energy. It was everything was purposeful. You know what I'm saying? Like That was an attack on me as a woman as a divine woman as a as a representation of the Divine. And yeah, if you think about people with narcissistic disorder, their whole life by design is to draw reactions out of people in order To get the supply because they're not worried about whether it's supplies positive or negative, they are parasitic in nature. They are just looking for somewhere to plug into. They don't even care. They're not discerning, and what energy they take in, which is why they feel emboldened to send out whatever, and think there's not going to be a consequence.

And I have to say, this isn't a behavior I really observe throughout the black community. But it's so highlighted in this in this black spiritual community in Atlanta. Hotepille? Hoteplanta, we are just drowning, in men who have not reformed themselves not actually learned themselves, not actually heal their divine feminine, and they're walking around, equipped with spiritual knowledge that their main source is Instagram. And these people are having children hello! What? They're literally procreating and passing down Instagram. So when I think of all these types of men that I have met, that one could have the audacity to open his mouth, and tell me as gorgeous and as vibrant as I am, and that I know I am that I need to work on myself. I know that is said in his in his spirit, to try and attack my self esteem.


A lot of these men want greatness, they don't see their greatness. And when they see a black woman who is killing, at the same time, battling oppression from everyone, including that healing the community, out of that healing and pain that she has learned how to transmute and doing it all effortlessly. Because it's her nature, she's worked on her nature. There is a lot of animosity. And I know I'm not just talking from a trigger place. Because honestly, this person targeted the one thing about me that I really have no insecurities about, literally even the response afterwards, which I'm not even gonna waste time highlighting, indicated to me this is somebody who is wounded, who wants to project their own insecurities onto me, because I have the courage and the strength to be in my authentic and most vulnerable expression. These men Wait for me because they want me and they are afraid of me at the same time. And I'm wondering when they're going to learn their lesson, and recognize that you are indeed speaking to the mother. Right?


It's disgusting. Because we have men who have been traumatized by all these systems. And by the complex structure of white supremacy, which is everywhere. I don't want to say it's omnipotent, because that's God's role. But it'd be everywhere. They have all of these things that they're dealing with. And as a result of it and not being able to be soft, which is the thing around the world, but specifically more in black and diverse for communities and African communities. Because he's never had a place to break open and be soft. There is this hidden animosity. And one thing that my trauma has taught me is that we don't have a proper place to express the hurts that we're carrying and that we have experienced, we are going to look for whoever has less power than us to project that anger on to the spiritual community in Atlanta is filled with abusive men who knows about head wrapping and crystals and maybe energy work and their reading. You can be all of those things and still be abuser. What he said, was a violence against me. Why? Because someone who doesn't know me at all, thought that they had a right to comment on my divine vessel. In all of its perfection. Who are you? What have you done? Who knows, you know, I'm sorry. When I think of these things, I know there are a lot of hurt men walking around. And I just feel there is a huge gap in terms of the work that is expected of black women to Trey's new the same kinds of traumas often inflicted by the black men in our lives. Maybe even holding on to your work transmuting healing, learning how to feed ourselves, learning languages, traveling building businesses, and Nicolas is mad about it breaks my heart. And this is not every black man or every spiritual black man. Hello. But I guarantee on a soul level, most people know what I'm talking about right now. Because we see. There's so many men that I've witnessed, say terrible things to women do everything in their power to belittle them. And just because they tack the word queen in front of it, because they have added queen to their vocabulary. Haven't even internalized what that means. Because I dare you to walk up to the queen and tell her that she needs to fix something about herself. How dare you? My power makes you nervous. And that's why Nick is trying me. Keep trying. Keep trying. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's just, it's gross. It's gross, because we've got a lot of black men walking around here. Awesome, very devious shit. What can I say, to make this woman react in this way or feel this way about herself so that we don't have access to her. If I can get her to think her value is this much when it's this much? Look at how much I get for free. This is the mentality of the black man that has seen consistently. And there are levels to this shit. You know what I'm saying? Some are really bad with it. Some you just see it sprinkled throughout their character, but I see it everywhere.


You know, these are people who are sitting down in their homes, watching me over and over and over and over. And you have the audacity after all of the healing that you have consumed from me. I said, you bitch. You have the audacity to think that you can project nonsense on me. Oh, my God. Anyway, I just really needed to say that.

It's a bigger issue. It is a bigger issue. You know, and I'm not saying they're not black men out there who support their queens. You know, I get a lot of support from a lot of amazing black kings out there. But I see this a lot too. And I would be remiss if I didn't share my musings, right? Because when people throw us lemons, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna make hibiscus lemonade, like niggas is healing from the shits, okay. And I just need that to be understood.

So please think on this. Consider this if you're if you're a king, if you're a man, consider this and think about where you might be in acting. Because actually it is rampant. Okay, that's all I got to say. Be well I love you.