
May 20, 2022

Jalandhara Bandha

Jalandhara bandha is one of the bandhas or energy locks in the body that we can use to control the flow of prana or energy in, out, and throughout the body. Jalandhara bandha is throat lock and is practiced by dropping the chin and holding it against the chest. This can be done on an inhalation or exhalation and is often practiced in combination with kumbhaka breath retention.


Hatha Yoga Pradipika

III.70 Contract the throat, holding the chin firmly against the chest. This is called jalandhara bandha and destroys old age and death.

Pranayama Practice

Jalandhara is often practiced during pranayama during kumbhaka, breath retentions. Take a few, long, slow deep breaths, focusing on maintaining the same length of the inhalation and exhalation. After a few breaths, engate jalandhara bandha and try to hold the breath at the top of the inhalation for the same length of time you inhaled. Likewise, the same can be done at the bottom of the exhalation, though many find this to be more difficult.

Asana Practice

You will also find jalandhara bandha, naturally practiced during certain asanas, though here, the intention is not to hold the breath but to direct the flow of energy.


Sarvangasana | Shoulderstand

Karna Pidasana | Ear Pressure Pose

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