
Sep 1, 2023

Wealth Affirmations | The Pineapple Issue

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Featured in The Pineapple Issue of Liveology Yoga Magazine.

I am abundant.

I have everything I need.

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

New opportunities come my way on a daily basis.

I am open and receptive to the flow of life.

I am successful.

Everything I touch turns to gold.

Failure is a mindset that I don't have.

I can turn any stumbling block into a success story.

I have multiple streams of income.

I am recession proof.

Money loves to be near me.

I am great at building and maintaining strong relationships.

There is a time to save and a time to spend. I know when to do both.

It is increasingly easy for me to take care of my responsibilities and pay my bills on time.

I invest in myself because I believe in myself.

I am on an upward spiral.

I will never be broke (again).

I am a generator for money and ideas. I am a job within myself.

I am prepared and excited for the future.

I am wise with my investments.

I make more than I spend.

My money makes money for me.

I set up systems so that I can earn money even in my sleep.

Any hobby can be profitable and become a successful business.

I learn from every mistake, and I keep getting better.

I invest in those around me as others have invested in me.

I love to give back to good causes and organizations.

People like doing business with me because I treat people well.

I love the life I created.


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Peace & Pineapples!