Christina V. Mills

Oct 12, 2022

Yoga Props 101: How to Use a Strap, Blocks, Bolster, Wheel + Bonus Prop!

Updated: May 7, 2023

D-Ring Yoga Strap

Yoga straps are great to extend your reach. If you don't have a traditional yoga strap handy, you an also use a hand towel.

Use the strap to help with poses like Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana or Supta Padangusthasana, if you have tight hamstrings or have difficulty grabbing the big toe.

Use the strap as a shoulder opener.

Use the strap to extend your reach in seated forward folds like Janu Sirsasana A.

Yoga Blocks

Yoga blocks are great for so many things. In standing postures like Uttanasana and Utthita Trikonasana, they can help to extend your reach toward the floor. Blocks can even be used with other props like bolsters to create a seat or for a restorative laying posture/

Big Yoga Bolster

Yoga bolsters are great for restorative postures, and like big pillows, bolsters are great to lay on. If you don't have a bolster handy, you can grab a couple of big pillows or roll up a blanket and stuff it into a pillowcase.

You can take many yoga poses and turn them into a restorative/yin yoga pose by just laying part of your body on the bolster.

Lay the bolster in your lap...

For a restorative forward fold.

Lay the feet on the bolster...

To open the hips.

Lay the back on the bolster....

To open the chest and spine

Yoga Wheel

The yoga wheel is great for backbends and shoulder opening. Keep the knees bent, and try rolling up and down the back. The arms can hold onto the wheel or can be extended outward. If the arms are extended, you may reach the hands toward the floor. Breathe.

You can even use wheel to open the shoulders in a Kapotasana variation. Lay the upper back on the wheel and hold the wheel over head. Roll down until the forearms reach the floor. Breathe.

Bonus Prop: The Sofa!

The sofa can be a fun prop to use for restorative yoga or even to play with backbends and inversions! Play around and see what you can come up with.

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Peace & Pineapples!