
May 15, 2020

Sirsasana | Headstand

Updated: May 12, 2022

Sanskrit Name: Sirsasana

English Translation: Head Posture

Sirsa - Head

Asana - Posture

How to:

  • Begin in Downward Dog and come down to your knees.

  • With the elbows shoulder distance apart, clasp the fingers together on the floor and place the top of the head down on the floor.

  • Straighten the legs and walk the feet in.

  • On an inhale, lift the legs up into a straight line trying to maintain core stability and straight legs. Hold for 25 breaths.

  • For a challenge, exhale lower the legs into half pike and hold for 10 breaths.

  • Inhale as you lift the legs back up to straight. Exhale as you bring the legs back down to the floor.

  • Leave the head down and rest in Child's Pose for a few breaths.

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