Bike riding is notorious for making the front of the hips tight. Try these stretches.
Camel -> Laghu Vajrasana
Bend the knees and lean back. Take the hands to the feet for Ustrasana/Camel to open the front of the hips. Then, keeping the back straight, lean all the way back toward the floor. Breathe.
Low Lunge {With a Twist}
Step right foot forward. Leave the top of the left foot on the floor. Lean the hips forward and breathe into the left hip. To create more of a twist, draw the right hip back as you take the left hand to the floor. Open the chest to the right.. Breathe.
Do the same on the left.
Hamstring Stretch
Lean the hips back to stretch the front leg. Lift up onto the heel of the foot. Breathe.
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Peace & Pineapples!