Mysore class is a method of teaching Ashtanga yoga that comes out of Mysore, India.
Mysore is an all-levels class in Ashtanga yoga where students can come in any time during a window, usually early in the morning, and do their assigned practice.
Everyone who comes to mysore class begins by learning Half Primary Series, and poses are added by the teacher from there. Initially, the student's only job is to remember the sequence, and this happens quickly. Whenever they come into mysore class, they can just lay down their mat and begin practicing. Everyone practices at their own pace and to their own breathing. The teacher is always nearby to help if a student forgets a pose or needs help safely getting into and out of a pose. The teacher also provides alignment cues.
Mysore is the only true all levels class because it allows students to do their personal practice at their own pace. Even though the Primary Series may seem intimidating at first, it's simply an organized method of teaching yoga through a set sequence. By repetition, poses that initially seem inaccessible can become surprisingly possible. Because of this, it is recommended to practice daily, or at least a few times a week.
The amount of growth and transformation that is possible in the Mysore room is amazing to experience and witness.
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Peace & Pineapples!